sanofi-aventis, Viale Luigi Bodio, 37/b – 20158 Milano (MI)
(from 01/01/2007 to 19/02/2009 = 2 years and 2 months)
In the TA (Therapeutic Area) «oncology»:
product specialist in 3 provinces of Northern Italy (Brescia, Trento and Bolzano, because of my native language) for the brand TAXOTERE™ (docetaxel), an antineoplastic drug (cancer drug) approved and used for the treatment of a variety of solid tumors; my task was to provide information regarding its use in the treatment of early and advanced breast cancer to Health Care Professionals (HCPs); during this activity:
- organization of HSMs (Hospital Staff Meetings) = in-hospital scientific meetings with health care professionals (HCPs)
- development and partial writing in cooperation with an oncologist of a pocket guide on the systemic treatment of early-stage breast cancer («Il Taccuino Blu» [in Italian])